Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The CECAP school....classroom floor

One floor below the main floor is the office and two classrooms.

John Barrie and Pat Torpie (Exec Director of Amigos de Santa Cruz Foundation)

Pat Torpie and others.  On the right: Noe Rafel Simon (Director of CECAP school) 
Across the aisle from the office is a small classroom.  It saw multiple uses during our trip.

As a classroom (beading class)

As a project room

Solar project meeting - Carlos, Michael, Ben, John, Jose, Craig

John Barrie explaining the new plan for the solar panels
And as a study area

Staff member, Leena and Karen
And at the back of the school is the large classroom.

With beautiful children....

We used the classroom for a solar project team meeting, working on designs without the right parts....

              Jose, Greg, Michael, Carlos, Ben, MJ, Craig  (above)                                Ben with 'turnbuckle' design for extra legs             

John and the UM students also inventoried parts for the solar kits for the upcoming class

Andrew, John, JC, Leena, James, Tim

And of course in the hallway, you can tell when class is over!

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