Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Two days left, but I'm already flying.

Immunizations done (Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Typhoid).
First time I've signed a waiver that not only mentioned illnesses, but also social and political unrest, guerrilla and terrorist activity.  Not to mention getting medical evacuation insurance.  We'll be in a group in generally safe areas, so I'm not concerned.

Most of the trip, we'll be on Lake Atitlan.

Aldous Huxley called it the most beautiful lake in the world, and wrote:   "Lake Como <in Italy> it seems to me, touches on the limit of permissibly picturesque, but Atitlán is Como with additional embellishments of several immense volcanoes. It really is too much of a good thing."

So this trip is
- a vacation to paradise
- an opportunity to learn about solar electricity
- a chance to make a difference to the local community.

Spectacular scenery, learning new things, volunteering....this trip has it all.


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